Suburban Girl spent
Thursday converged on Suburban Girl with a wrath we could have predicted. Unfortunately, she was not well equipped for the day because she woke up at 5:30 am.
9 am Vacation Bible School
11 am Kindermusic
1230 pm Preschool
5 pm Swimming Lesson
7 pm Vacation Bible School Program
The Vacation Bible School Kids sang the songs they learned, about half of the 146 participants stood up in front of the congregational audience, sharing an enthusiastic effort. Kks gladly went up with her mates, but had nothing left in the tank. She sat nicely and watched her classmates sing with some curiosity, with intermittent head bobbing. I longed for her to sing for a few reasons--first, I wanted to know if music holds a key for her communication growth; second, I wanted to capture some video of her participation. The poor girl was exhausted. I knew she knew the songs, she's been singing them all week. My wonderful wife looked at me and said, "at least she's being good up there."
My wife and I will not back away from certain activities because we know the benefits for Kks' growth. The convergence of these activities taxed our little girl beyond her abilities on Thursday. We continue the search for activities that profoundly stimulate her growth. We have found activities she enjoys--we work to find the appropriate balance of growth and health.
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